Category: People Who Help Us

Aqta’ min? Guess who?

Il-ktieb Tifi u n-nar ta’ Nathalie Portelli semma vetturi differenti għalhekk jiena kkrejajt din il-flipchart għat-tfal u huma riedu jaqtgħu min hi l-vettura mis-sentenza jew tnejn li hemm fil-flipchart.

The book Tifi u n-nar of Nathalie Portelli mentioned different vehicles so I created this flipchart for the children and they needed to guess the vehicle from the sentence or two that are in the flipchart.

Wara li tisimgħu l-istorja ta’ Tifi u n-nar, iftħu din il-flipchart sabiex taqtgħu min.


Click on the picture and tell me your thoughts and opinions on the theme People Who Help Us for instance, was it enjoyable for children? Which was their favourite professional that we discussed? Was there a favourite activity?